Last | First | Unit | Publication(s) |
Kurtz | Beth | Office of Communications & Marketing | |
Law | Lea Anne | Haslam College of Business, Graduate and Executive Education | In Focus (PEMBA) |
Lawrence | Jessy | Office of Alumni Affairs | inVOLved newsletter |
Ledford | Sam | Facilities Services | |
Long | Rebekah | College of Education, Health & Human Sciences | |
Longmire | Catherine | Department of Physics | CrossSections, the Department of Physics Newsletter |
McCamey | Carrie | Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation | |
McClelland | Rachel | College of Law | |
McDaniels | Patricia | UTIA Office of Marketing and Communications | UTIA news releases; Common Ground; Tennessee Land, Life & Science, Tennessee Alumnus |
McMillan | Kellye | Alumni and Development | Development proposals |
McNabb | Alison | Graduate School of Medicine | The Scope e-newsletter |
Mendence | Mallorie | UT Foundation | |
Moyer | Ashleigh | Center for Student Engagement | |
Murphy | Jordan | Department of Child and Family Studies | |
Orner | Ellen | School of Art | Prism |
Osborne | Jessica | Student Success Center | |
Owen | Lindsey | School of Art | Prism |
Painter | Michelle | Haslam College of Business, Global Supply Chain Institute | |
Parcell | Sammy | Fleet Management | Fleet Management listserv |
Parker | Rose | Office of Information Technology | OIT Weekly |
Last | First | Unit | Publication(s) |
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