Last | First | Unit | Publication(s) |
Corum | Emily | Office of Communications & Marketing | |
Crouse | Deborah | College of Communication & Information | |
Cunningham | Vickie | Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research | |
Davis | Beth | UTIA Office of Marketing and Communications | Land, Life and Science magazine; Common Ground; Herbert Chronicle; UTIA news releases |
Devault | Darrin | Conferences & Non-Credit Programs | UT non-credit catalog Kids U catalog |
Dobbs | Angie | Office of Communications & Marketing | |
Edlund | Doug | College of Education, Health & Human Sciences | |
Edmonds | Cyndy | MTAS | |
Edwards | Raven | Student Disability Services | |
Emery | Margeaux | UTIA Office of Marketing and Communications | Common Ground |
Fleres | Landin | Student Life Communications | |
Ford | Deidre | SWORPS | |
Ford | Emily | College of Veterinary Medicine | |
Gallaher | Andrew | Tickle College of Engineering | Tennessee Engineer |
Goble | Diane | Multicultural Student Life | MSL News, The Illuminator |
Gray | Rita | Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | CBE Update |
Gregg, MD | Spencer | Student Health Center | |
Grubbs | Tommi | VolShop | Various internal and external communications for VolShop. |
Haag | Tyra | Office of Communications & Marketing | |
Hand | Amanda | College of Veterinary Medicine | |
Last | First | Unit | Publication(s) |
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