CampComm is a moderated listserv for UT campus communicators and anyone else who is interested in receiving news related to communications efforts across the Knoxville campus.
Join the CampComm Listserv
CampComm Community Guidelines
The CampComm listerv community at UT is a forum for our campus communicators to give and receive ideas, help, and feedback from one another in order to strengthen the communications efforts of all our campus units.
The Office of Communications and Marketing maintains the CampComm membership list and moderates all messages posted to the listerv.
The following etiquette guidelines for CampComm members are intended to help everyone get the maximum benefit and best experience possible from the community. Please review these guidelines before posting items.
- Be on topic: Posts should relate, in some way, to communications efforts on our campus.
- Subject Lines: Please state concisely and clearly the topic of your post in the subject line to allow community members to respond appropriately to your posting and search the CampComm archives by subject.
- Share your ideas and resources: If you have a particular communications tool or resource you regularly use, chances are that others may also benefit from it.
- Don’t promote products, services, or position openings that are not related to communication efforts at the University of Tennessee: Promotion of non-UT products and services is not allowed. Members may not collect and use other member’s names for business opportunities. Open employment positions should be first posted on Taleo through Human Resources before being shared on CampComm.
- Be respectful: Discussions and comments are meant to stimulate conversation rather than create contention. Let others have their say, just as you may, and keep responses professional and respectful.
- Take responsibility: Messages posted on CampComm are the sole responsibility of the author. If you post documents or other materials, please be sure that you have the right to do so and that another individual or organization does not hold the copyright.
- Remember that you’re not alone: Anyone who is a CampComm member can see what you say and share.
- Share publicly, thank privately: Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me, too” to individuals rather than the entire listserv. Do this by using the “Reply to Sender” link to the left of every message.
- Minimize clutter: Include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply. Delete any header information, and put your response before the original posting.
- Don’t send administrative messages: If you need assistance managing your settings or removing yourself from the listserv, please visit, call OIT at 974-9900 or visit the OIT listserv information page.
- Follow the rules: The Office of Communications and Marketing may block individuals from CampComm for failure to follow these guidelines.
These guidelines are derived from the CASE community guidelines at